Pathways Improvement Scope

The at-risk students Options for Youth serves include minority students, homeless students, LGBTQ students, pregnant or parenting students, migrant students, students with disabilities, foster youth, justice involved, and English Learners. Programing through this grant will focus on career preparation opportunities help students learn more about the labor market and career pathways in high growth sectors.

Goals & Priorities

The Pathways to Success program will prepare students to enter priority sectors industries identified in the Los Angeles Strong Workforce Program Regional Plan, namely Building & Construction Trades, Energy, Environment, & Utilities, Health Science & Medical Technology, and Information & Communication Technologies. Clear pathways will be developed with multiple on-ramps, stackable credentials, and supportive, wrap-around services will ensure student success. Strategies include: employer engagement in CTE, career guidance, and apprenticeship and pre-apprenticeship academies/advanced CTE. Elements of these strategies include increased dual enrollment classes, enhanced career guidance counseling and support services, and industry recognized credentials and certificates combined with work-based learning opportunities.


Opportunities for Learning - Baldwin ParkOpportunities for Learning - Duarte

Industry Sector(s) Or Pathway(s)

Building & Construction Trades Energy, Environment, & Utilities Health Science & Medical Technology Information & Communication Technologies Energy, Construction & Utilities Health Information & Communication Technologies (ICT)/Digital Media Life Sciences/Biotech

Additional CCD Partners

College of the Canyons East LA College El Camino CCD Golden West College LA City College LA Harbor College LA Mission College LA Trade-Tech College LA Valley College Long Beach City CCD Moorpark College Rio Hondo CCD Ventura College