The LA Data Project strengthens regional responsiveness. SWP regional projects from 2016-2020 established key CTE interventions in Los Angeles, all of which have strengthened regional workforce development. Some components have been absorbed into other funds such as campus Perkins funds, general funds, and local SWP. This project centralizes and systematizes research, reporting, and employer engagement. It is aligned with the purpose of SWP legislation in that its goal is to serve students and the regional economy. First, students gain awareness and access to quality CTE programs at Los Angeles community colleges, leading to middle skill jobs that both help the student and strengthen the regional economy. Ongoing employer engagement increases opportunities for work-based learning and employment and ensures that coursework reflects the latest industry standards and needs. Finally, the project begins to establish processes to collect and analyze regional data in a timely manner and report it to the region for formative and summative use.

Participating Colleges

  • Cerritos College