Pathways Improvement Scope

This project proposes adding a new Culinary pathway at Nogales HS, improving the existing Culinary pathway at Rowland HS, and enhancing pathways related to Retail, Hospitality, and Tourism (RHT). Both high schools will create curriculum aligned with Mt. SAC course requirements, resulting in new articulation agreements and dual enrollment opportunities with Mt. SAC. Informed by industry and postsecondary partners, Nogales HS will equip its current Nutrition & Foods classroom with professional equipment and supplies in order to create a Culinary classroom and CTE pathway that aligns with postsecondary and industry standards. Rowland USD will also evaluate and fill needs for equipment and supplies in all related CTE pathways to improve instruction and maintain alignment with up-to-date postsecondary and industry standards.

Goals & Priorities

Project objectives and measurable outcomes are as follows:

1. Review and align CTE curriculum in Hospitality, Tourism & Recreation, Arts, Media & Entertainment, and Marketing, Sales & Service to align with curriculum at Mt. SAC for purposes of articulation, dual enrollment, and/or other available strategies for early college credit. Measurable Outcome: 10% increase in early college credit opportunities across pathways served by this project.
2. Provide quality instruction by ensuring CTE pathway students have access to industry standard equipment and supplies. Measurable Outcomes: One state-of-the-art Culinary classroom at Nogales HS; pathways in this project are enhanced because of updated equipment and supplies aligned with postsecondary and industry standards.
3. Create a new CTE pathway in Culinary at Nogales HS. Measurable Outcome: One new Culinary CTE pathway at Nogales HS.
4. Intentionally improve access to and completion of high-skill/high-wage CTE opportunities for disproportionately impacted students. Measurable Outcomes: a) 10% increase in student engagement with CTE pathways, postsecondary, and business & industry. Evidence of increased student engagement will include pathway enrollment, participation in early college credit, and participation in extracurricular activities such as Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs). b) At least 75% of students in RHT pathways will be from Perkins special populations. c) Student support such as tutoring will be accessible to all students in the pathways served by this project.

Industry Sector(s) Or Pathway(s)

Arts, Media, and Entertainment (CDE) Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation (CDE) Marketing, Sales, and Services (CDE)