Pathways Improvement Scope

The scope of improvement s to increase the number of students in all pathways who earn college credit while in high school.

Goals & Priorities

The goal is that students gain knowledge of early college credit programs and become educated on post-secondary prior to leaving high school to lower costs for students once they transition to college, with hopes that there is an increase of students who enter college with early college credit. Modify CTE courses as needed to meet articulation requirements. Increase articulation agreements and explore dual enrollment in partnership with Rio Hondo College. Recognizing systemic, institutional, and community barriers that must be overcome, use data to design, develop and implement sequences of articulated and dual enrollment courses in every pathway and high school. Invest in professional development opportunities that improve and empower teachers and staff in providing postsecondary/industry aligned curriculum and facilitate cross-segmental collaborations to deepen and align pathway programs. Provide CTE advising, tutoring, mentorship, and career counseling services to all students with a focus on special populations and historically underserved students. Appoint a liaison between TCROP and postsecondary. The liaison will ensure that existing articulation agreements are renewed and additional opportunities for articulation and dual enrollment are explored and put in place.


El Rancho USD Whittier Union High School District

Industry Sector(s) Or Pathway(s)

Arts, Media, and Entertainment Sector (AME) Building and Construction Trades Sector (BLD) Business and Finance Sector (FIN) Education, Child Development, & Family Services Sector (EDU) Engineering and Architecture Sector (ENG) Health Science and Medical Technology Sector (HLT) Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation (HOS) Marketing, Sales, and Services Sector (MAR) Public Services Sector (PUB) Transportation Sector (TRA)