Pathways Improvement Scope

NVMI and LAMC CTE faculty will review the curriculum of this course to align with existing NVMI ICT coursework, LAMC coursework and certifications to ensure that the course prepares students for one of our pathways of 300 hours or more. NVMI will continue its partnership with LMC to offer at least four ICT pathways of 300 hours or more, including Information Support and Services, Networking; Software and Systems Development; and Data Visualization.

Goals & Priorities

This program will reach every eighth grader, so will directly reach 260+ students over the course of the grant. The school will increase enrollment in ICT offerings, to at least 200 students s each year by 2025; that figure represents 50% of the school’s current enrollment in grades 9-12. The students will enroll in one of LAMC’s ICT Certification programs, such as Computer Information Services, to gain skills essential to employment opportunities. It is expected that at least 60% of the students will continue their ICT pathway work through LAMC in pursuit of an Associates Degree.

Industry Sector(s) Or Pathway(s)

Information and Communication Technologies

Additional CCD Partners

LA Valley College