Pathways Improvement Scope
Increase and retain student enrollment and completion in CTE pathways to prepare them for the specific needs of industry in our region.
Goals & Priorities
Monitor student engagement and progress by tracking their progress through the first year of chosen post-secondary options. | Use student data system to identify and target outreach and recruitment efforts to underachieving students from specifically underrepresented populations. | Develop alignment between career aptitude and inventory surveys and CTE course enrollment. | Create benchmarks aligned to the 12 elements of High Quality CTE programs to collect accurate data on student progress and use that data to inform program decisions. | Implement customized academic and career counseling and other supports (networking events, mentorships, workshop series.
Industry Sector(s) Or Pathway(s)
Arts, Media, & Entertainment Business & Finance Engineering & Architecture Health Science & Medical Technology Hospitality, Tourism, & Recreation Information & Communication Technologies
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