LARC works closely with our K-12 partners to create, support, and expand high-quality career technical education (CTE) programs that are aligned with in-demand jobs throughout Los Angeles County. Seamless transitions from K-12 to community college increases career readiness and support a successful transition to the workforce.

Our partner, California Advancing Pathways for Students (CalAPS), shares our mission of ensuring students are prepared for the future through CTE. CalAPS develops a wide range of skills for students, provides classroom instructors with up-to-date industry expertise, and partners with local business, civic, and higher education institutions.

CalAPS has benefitted from K-12 Strong Workforce Partnership (K12 SWP) funding, with funding from each of the grant round cycles. The funding has helped CalAPS pivot their work experience opportunities during COVID by creating alternative experiences for students in their ‘mock’ medical facility.