Adult Education – Designated Subjects Credentials Informational Webinar

Public Event

Implementing and promoting the benefits of credentialing qualified candidates for CTE and Adult Education programs. The goal is to attract passionate educators to the field, improve the quality of CTE/AE instruction, and ultimately, better prepare students for successful careers in the modern workforce.  Objectives  Participants will:  Examine the qualifications for Designated Subjects Credentials  Discover how Single/Multiple Subject Credentialed …

Professional Quarterly Network Group (PQNG) CTE

Public Event

Professional Quarterly Network Group (PQNG) CTE Meetings are quarterly meetings aimed at empowering CTE District Administrators, Directors, and Coordinators with knowledge, resources, and connections to enhance CTE programs and opportunities. A central focus of these gatherings is to support the decision makers in their efforts to strengthen CTE programs. This is achieved by providing updates …