Pathways Improvement Scope
Manhattan Beach Unified (MBUSD) plans to dual enroll their engineering classes as well as begin a data science pathway that will also be dual enrolled with El Camino College. They will be converting and revising their current Computer Science pathway into a CTE pathway that aligns with El Camino’s offerings. Advisory boards will be established to support these new pathways in work-based learning, pathway alignment, and curriculum development.
Goals & Priorities
Manhattan Beach Unified School District (MBUSD) is committed to expanding its Career Tech Education (CTE) offerings by creating an Advisory Committee, providing support to current teachers, transitioning current courses to CTE courses, and adding new classes. In addition, MBUSD will be developing a Capstone Program and a Data Science class, as well as enhancing its Engineering Pathway with a Capstone Engineering Course. MBUSD is also committed to increasing career and college readiness for all students, with a focus on disproportionately impacted students. Counselors will be provided with professional development opportunities and will monitor student progress. Field trips will be offered to students to explore local businesses and colleges.
Industry Sector(s) Or Pathway(s)