Recognizing the influence of degrees on economic mobility, the Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) project emerges as a vital strategy for strengthening Los Angeles’s competitive workforce. Establishing a Community of Practice for shaping a regional CPL framework is essential for improving completion rates and addressing equity gaps. Credit for prior learning encompasses diverse formal and informal avenues for acquiring applicable knowledge and skills, such as testing, workplace training, volunteer work, and independent study. Research consistently demonstrates that CPL earners, irrespective of demographics, are more likely to successfully complete degrees. Additionally, CPL serves as a valuable tool for LA colleges to attract individuals aged 25-54 with a high school diploma but lacking a college degree, a demographic where over half are people of color.
Participating Colleges
- Cerritos College
- Citrus College
- Compton College
- East Los Angeles College
- El Camino College
- Glendale Community College
- Long Beach City College
- Los Angeles City College
- Los Angeles Harbor College
- Los Angeles Mission College
- Los Angeles Pierce College
- Los Angeles Southwest College
- Los Angeles Trade-Technical College
- Los Angeles Valley College
- Mt. San Antonio College
- Pasadena City College
- Rio Hondo College
- Santa Monica College
- West Los Angeles College