Pathways Improvement Scope
The project seeks to hire a new College and Career Technician (classified) to coordinate and support students by connecting middle and high schoolers to events with counselors at community colleges and partner Glendale Community College. Marketing via social media, emails, on-campus posters and school information channels details about college and career exploration events. Planning, facilitating, and implementing engaging, hands-on campus events with industry guests in LA regional priority sectors for middle schoolers at all four GUSD campuses, and high schoolers at the District’s four high school campuses. Incorporating Nepris virtual connections to real-world learning to connect educators/students to industry. Continue structured career exploration programs, including Xello career exploration (tool available for all students in grades 6-12). Continue planning and collaborating with Bayha Group to provide in-person and virtual work-based learning (WBL) experiences to 9th, 10th, and 11th graders to explore career interests across industry sectors. Providing one-on-one support to students developing middle/high school College and Career Planning Guide. Guiding students in college planning through expanded options in articulated courses at partner Glendale Community College, and at Mission College, Pasadena City College, and Rio Hondo College. Priority sectors under review for enhanced articulation include ICT/DM, Life Sciences/Biotech, Advanced Manufacturing, Health, Advanced Transportation and Logistics, and Retail, Hospitality, and Tourism (emerging).
Goals & Priorities
Goals include hiring a new College and Career Technician (classified) to coordinate and support students by connecting middle and high schoolers to events with counselors at community colleges and partner Glendale Community College and marketing via social media, emails, on-campus posters and school information channels details about college and career exploration events. The objective is for CTE students to have access to industry-aligned equipment that mirrors what is found in the workplace.
Industry Sector(s) Or Pathway(s)