Pathways Improvement Scope
Our program objective is to engage learners (Black, Socioeconomically Disadvantaged and Foster/Unhoused Youth specifically) in a culturally relevant production pathway will be made possible through: co-created curriculum design with the CDE, industry partners (1500 Sound Academy, Dolby, Live Nation) and Compton Community College that already offers a commercial music certification. Concentrator course and capstone development with an eye towards dual enrollment will empower disenfranchised student populations (Foster/Unhoused Youth, Socioeconomically Disadvantaged, and Black Students) through self and community expression coupled with the acquisition of music technology/sound engineering skills.
Goals & Priorities
This program’s goal is to create a CTE course sequence (concentrator and capstone w/dual enrollment) with CDE and Compton College and expand on existing pathways from middle schools to high schools.
Industry Sector(s) Or Pathway(s)