Pathways Improvement Scope

LAAAE will launch the work experience program in the Spring of 2021. Classes will be launched via a hybrid model to train students with the skills necessary to succeed in internships and the workforce.

Goals & Priorities

LAAAE will contract an experienced workforce consultant Amy Foell to train our business teacher in a work-based learning curriculum using the train-the-trainer approach. | All students in the class will at minimum complete: resume, cover letter and two mock interviews. | The College and Career Coordinator (CCC) will be hired by summer of 2021, to assist with CTE at the middle school and high school level. | Purchase higher-end laptops and software to ensure students are able to finish assignments for film and animation at home.


Monsenor Oscar Romero Charter Middle

Industry Sector(s) Or Pathway(s)

Arts, Media, & Entertainment Business & Finance

Additional CCD Partners

LA City College