Pathways Improvement Scope

Film Production pathway equipment expansion r to create a Foley studio and improved film editing space better connecting the pathway to industry standards and to connect students to West LA College’s Hollywood CPR program. Launch Music pathway ,by hiring an additional part-time teacher so that students can complete a pathway at the high school level. The music pathway needs sound and recording equipment to launch a commercial music pathway. Increase hours for part-time coordinator to connect Film Production and Professional Music with our community college and industry partners, who will provide post-secondary access as well as work-based learning experiences.Hire a part-time counselor to develop and implement supports that address identified needs/gaps and help connect our underserved populations to our pathway.

Goals & Priorities

Increase number of students in dual enrollment courses. Increase access to college and career counselors to develop post-secondary plan. Guest speaker series, Field trips and job shadows. Intentionally target English Learners and their families to increase participation in WBL opportunities. Hire Music teacher and create CTE Music program task force. Develop Music curriculum for commercial music pathways. Develop and Implement CTE student survey. Part time CTE and Career Counselor to connect students to Naviance career exploration platform

Industry Sector(s) Or Pathway(s)

Arts Media and Entertainment