Pathways Improvement Scope
Students from Tri-C and City of Angels Continuation Schools will have the opportunity to join a pilot program. The proposed program will allow students to attend their school, as well as LA Trade Tech or Abram Friedman Occupational Center in pursuit of an industry recognized certificate. Each student will select a pathway from four priority or two emerging sectors after touring both schools and talking with students, faculty and industry professionals. They will also be provided with industry speakers and job shadowing in their chosen pathway field.
Goals & Priorities
LAUSD will target continuation school students to encourage high school completion and transition to workforce training and/ or community college. The work plan will focus on Pathway Improve Strategies, starting with CTE orientation and identification. In addition, a focus will be to train secondary teachers and counselors on the importance of integrating CTE into the core curriculum, and making community college a viable post-secondary option. LAUSD will also expand dual enrollment and articulation by aligning the high school CTE Pathways with the college offerings. Lastly, the district will work with college outreach departments to ensure that students are aware of and have access to all of the college support and opportunities.
Los Angeles USD ROCP
Industry Sector(s) Or Pathway(s)
Arts, Media, & Entertainment Energy, Environment, & Utilities Health Science & Medical Technology Information & Communication Technologies Manufacturing & Product Development Transportation Advanced Manufacturing Advanced Transportation & Logistics Energy, Construction & Utilities Health Information & Communication Technologies (ICT)/Digital Media Life Sciences/Biotech
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