Pathways Improvement Scope
Developing existing CTE certified pathway in Business and Enterprise, and establishing a dual-enrollment Design and Media Arts pathway focused on Technology and the Arts. Pathways will be supplemented with corresponding work place experience opportunities. Partners will include: Los Angeles City College, Gnomon School of Visual Effects and Visual Animation, Los Angeles Theater Company, Youth Policy Institute + Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship.
Goals & Priorities
The overarching goal of this work plan is to provide pupils with quality career exploration and guidance that will provide skills relevant to the Arts Economy. Strategies to meet these objectives include: development of new CTE pathways (business and enterprise pathway, dual enrollment design, visual and media arts), and create opportunities for workplace learning.
Industry Sector(s) Or Pathway(s)
Arts, Media, & Entertainment Business & Finance Global Trade Information & Communication Technologies (ICT)/Digital Media Business & Entrepreneurship
Additional CCD Partners