Pathways Improvement Scope
Los Angeles County Office of Education’s Juvenile Court Schools provides specialized instruction and educational services each day to some 900 incarcerated and at-risk youth. Sites include juvenile hall, probation camps and treatment centers. Career Technical Education is included. Our main goal is to expose as many students to post-secondary opportunities. Working with LAMC, GCC, ELAC and LATTC we have made great strides however we would like to expand to all students.
Goals & Priorities
The work plan seeks to provide opportunities for pupils to gain knowledge and understanding on how to access pre-apprenticeships, internships, industry certifications, and WBL opportunities and for industry to provide input to the career technical education programs and curriculum. Overall, to expose students as much as possible to all aspects of Career Technical Education. Strategies include: student exposure, instructor support, and spotlighting life skills.
Industry Sector(s) Or Pathway(s)
Building & Construction Trades Energy, Construction & Utilities
Additional CCD Partners